Launching The Breathe and Be Program -Spring term: Mindfulness Meditation and Movement in Miami

The “Breathe and Be” Program, offered in partnership with the University of Miami Libraries’ Mindfulness Program, consists of 60-minutes in-person sessions that combine guided meditation, breathing, and conscious movement practices. It also provides opportunities for reflection and questions. Facilitated by Guayana Paez-Acosta, Breathe and Be offers the opportunity to practice and learn skills and strategies for living through challenging times with greater ease, sense of well-being, and belonging.

Every Thursday at UM Coral Gables from 10:30 to 11:30am, to learn more and register, visit: BREATHE AND BE: Mindfulness Meditation and Movement Sessions for Cultivating Inner Resilience in Challenging Times (

“Guayana’s genius is the quality of radiant warmth and joy she brings to their encounters with others and the strength of her personal commitment to being on a path of peace and well-being. As a leader, Guayana possesses the knowledge, confidence, and capacity to guide and support others with sincerity and care — which is especially needed in this time of heartbreak in our world.” – Kelly