It’s possible to prosper and create a more sustainable world in the midst of complexity, and that is because the creative force flows within you and in everyone.
However, it is not enough to believe it. It must be experienced. So the vision and trust can be revealed to create the change, intentionally.
That is the path to transformation, individually and collectively.
We invite you to experience it.

It’s possible to prosper and create a more sustainable world in the midst of complexity, and that is because the creative force flows within you and in everyone.
However, it is not enough to believe it, it must be experienced so the vision and trust can be revealed to create the change, intentionally.
That is the path to transformation, individually and collectively.
We invite you to experience it.
By working on the roots, we help individuals, organizations and businesses to experience transformations and to prosper in a complex context towards more sustainable ways of being and doing.
Together, we revitalize and expand your vision and action
By working on the roots, we help individuals, organizations and businesses to experience transformations and to prosper in a complex context towards more sustainable ways of being and doing.
Together, we revitalize and expand your vision and action
”I firmly believe that as a species, living more sustainably will only be possible if we develop more intimate, meaningful, authentically personal ways of connecting to ourselves, our fellow human beings, our surroundings, and the Earth. A sense of wholeness and purpose then unfolds that makes us feel gratitude for being alive and that impels us to give back”.
Guayana Pá ez-Acosta

”I firmly believe that as a species, living more sustainably will only be possible if we develop more intimate, meaningful, authentically personal ways of connecting to ourselves, our fellow human beings, our surroundings, and the Earth. A sense of wholeness and purpose then unfolds that makes us feel gratitude for being alive and that impels us to give back”.
“Guayana Pá ez-Acosta“
Let’s work together
Guided by a profound respect for life, a holistic vision of processes of change and vocation for service, we acknowledge our interdependence and work to transform individuals and systems towards a more sustainable future.
We stand out for our experience, commitment and work ethics.
The challenges we face today are systemic. Each element is intimately related with other elements and systems, therefore what we experience is the result of the web of connections, relations and energy.

Kania, Kramer & Senge, 2018
In addition, we are experiencing changes that seem out of our control that happen at a faster pace, never experienced before. This questions our regular, familiar ways of thinking and acting. Sometimes it seems that we have no capacity to influence what surrounds us. This is far from true.
Though sometimes latent, our creative power is infinite. Connecting intentionally with the creative force we are part of, and doing so with all that we are, we create a profound change in our perception, vision and action.
Systems change theories offer an explanation of the levels, elements and relations that promote social change. Yet usually they do not help to understand or experience how to activate the creative power of individuals and groups that are a part of a system. Combining both dimensions is essential, and this is the opportunity offered by Athena Lab.
With our offering, expressed as advising, programs, sessions and workshops, we create conditions and facilitate practices that widen the perception and the creative power of individuals, organizations and businesses, opening to new possibilities and pathways of action. By activating micro-changes, we transform our perception of reality that together with the creative intelligence of the social field, offers a vision, a transformation process that is revealed as necessary in our organization, business and our society.
At Athena Lab, we work from a systems change perspective and focus on the level of transformation. This level requires expanding visions, perspectives and beliefs, that is, conscious awareness.

Let’s work together
Guided by a profound respect for life, a holistic vision of processes of change and vocation for service, we acknowledge our interdependence and work to transform individuals and systems towards a more sustainable future.
We stand out for our experience, commitment and work ethics.
The challenges we face today are systemic. Each element is intimately related with other elements and systems, therefore what we experience is the result of the web of connections, relations and energy.

Kania, Kramer & Senge, 2018
In addition, we are experiencing changes that seem out of our control that happen at a faster pace, never experienced before. This questions our regular, familiar ways of thinking and acting. Sometimes it seems that we have no capacity to influence what surrounds us. This is far from true.
Though sometimes latent, our creative power is infinite. Connecting intentionally with the creative force we are part of, and doing so with all that we are, we create a profound change in our perception, vision and action.
Systems change theories offer an explanation of the levels, elements and relations that promote social change. Yet usually they do not help to understand or experience how to activate the creative power of individuals and groups that are a part of a system. Combining both dimensions is essential, and this is the opportunity offered by Athena Lab.
With our offering, expressed as advising, programs, sessions and workshops, we create conditions and facilitate practices that widen the perception and the creative power of individuals, organizations and businesses, opening to new possibilities and pathways of action. By activating micro-changes, we transform our perception of reality that together with the creative intelligence of the social field, offers a vision, a transformation process that is revealed as necessary in our organization, business and our society.
At Athena Lab, we work from a systems change perspective and focus on the level of transformation. This level requires expanding visions, perspectives and beliefs, that is, conscious awareness.

Advisory in Sustainability and Conscious Action
We will sail through the principles of sustainability and explore your motivations and intentions to make decisions and implement practices that can activate real sustainability opportunities for the social, economic and environmental systems where you operate.

Practices Al Natural
For individuals, groups and organizations that wish to explore change or deepen the process of transformation.
In Natural Practices we combine practices that will allow to anchor in the present, refine the capacity to perceive, reconnect to the essential and with the environment from a greater resilience, thus enhancing intentional action.

Conscious Leadership
You are passionate about what you do, but does the uncertainty and complexity of the current world set new challenges for you?
Conscious Leadership is a flagship and modular program that weaves sources of knowledge and practices to prepare today’s leader, who acts in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous context, in the midst of social, economic and environmental urgencies, at a global and local level.

Advisory in Sustainability and Conscious Action
For innovators, investors and philanthropists that wish to anchor their efforts, investments and donations in conscious decisions.
We will sail through the principles of sustainability and explore your motivations and intentions to make decisions and implement practices that can activate real sustainability opportunities for the social, economic and environmental systems where you operate.

“Mindful” Practices
Al Natural
In Natural Practices we combine practices that will allow to anchor in the present, refine the capacity to perceive, reconnect to the essential and with the environment from a greater resilience, thus enhancing intentional action.

Leadership Program
Conscious Leadership is a flagship and modular program that weaves sources of knowledge and practices to prepare today’s leader, who acts in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous context, in the midst of social, economic and environmental urgencies, at a global and local level.
Current Programs

Ayurvedic Yoga Class
“Natural Practices to Thrive”

Mindful Movement & Meditation
Mindfulness is a place to start